


I'm John Bradley

Author, Filmmaker, Entrepreneur. I’ve been writing since I was seven years old and have developed/owned many businesses: World-Wide Reservations, INGAP Concert Production, Love’s Wood Pit Barbecue Restaurants, Love’s of Hawaii,,, Justice on Trial and Bradley Film Development & John Bradley Entertainment.

John Bradley Entertainment produced more than one hundred national broadcasts of Supercross on NBC, CBS, ESPN, in Japan, South Africa and Britain. My company produced some of the first freestyle motocross/Supercross films, Rick Johnson, Profile of a Champion, Ward’s Winning Ways, 1000 Mile Jump, Sick Air, WhatUP!” and many others. Coming soon: Super Double-Cross 2SX2 A novel about the sport of Supercross, motocross in NFL stadiums, and the influence of television on the sport. Also planned is a novel, CALI Church of After Life Insurance, about a religious Ponzi scheme that goes off the rails.

John Bradley, author of The BAGO Boy – Young Urban Pirate, toasting the readers who have discovered the magic of BAGO.


John Bradley has published articles in Off-Campus Magazine, TV Radio Mirror, Justice on Trial, and many other periodicals. He has written scripts for dozens of Supercross race events, including six Superbowl of Motocross races which have been broadcast on ESPN, CBS, NBC, and nationally syndicated in the U.S. as well as for Japan, UK, Europe, South Africa, and Australia. He wrote all the scripts for the sixteen-event nationally syndicated Stroh’s Races Across America triathlon races, produced and wrote the freestyle motocross genre films/videos, 1000 Mile Jump, WhatUp!, Sick Air!, the inspirational motocross training videos, Wards Winning Ways, Pro Motocross Riding and Racing, produced and co-wrote with David Stanfield, Rick Johnson, Profile of a Champion. His current novel, released in July 2023,, The BAGO Boy, Young Urban Pirate, chronicles his 10-year-old adventures, striving to become a famous urban pirate, with surprising results.

The bago boy

He wasn’t always The BAGO Boy. Not yet ten when he began his urban pirate career, Brad’s reputation for bravery rose to lofty heights in the neighborhood when an article about his perilous rescue of another boy appeared in the Philadelphia Evening Bulletin newspaper. Brad agreed to take the other boy with him while he shot movies inside the burned-out hulk of a formally majestic mansion. The other boy fell into the basement and was seriously injured, unable to get out of the cellar. Brad barely got the boy out of the house before it collapsed, filming as he did, and the viewfinder became his movie screen on which he saw himself as a pirate on a vanquished pirate ship, saving an injured crew mate. His pirate dreams became reality, launching his urban pirate career, with surprising results.

This is the 2nd edition of my memoir chronicling my journey as an urban pirate to escape from abuse by perverse priests and cruel nuns at a religious school. Set in the early 1950s in Philadelphia, on the way to fulfilling my dream of living the pirate life on a deserted island, I discovered a new and wonderful point of view that changed my life: the concept of BAGO. After I became a city-wide hero, I made a movie about my pirate river adventures with the nom de guerre, “Captain Fury.” My first mate, a girl pirate, and I navigated the rough waters of life, love, and adventure. My transition to The BAGO Boy is a coming-of-age novel reminiscent of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn with adventures akin to those in classic pirate tales like Treasure Island or Captain BloodThis is the 2nd edition of my memoir chronicling my journey as an urban pirate to escape from abuse by perverse priests and cruel nuns at a religious school. Set in the early 1950s in Philadelphia, on the way to fulfilling my dream of living the pirate life on a deserted island, I discovered a new and wonderful point of view that changed my life: the concept of BAGO. After I became a city-wide hero, I made a movie about my pirate river adventures with the nom de guerre, “Captain Fury.” My first mate, a girl pirate, and I navigated the rough waters of life, love, and adventure. My transition to The BAGO Boy is a coming-of-age novel reminiscent of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn with adventures akin to those in classic pirate tales like Treasure Island or Captain Blood


The novel chronicles how Supercross was created by Michael Goodwin in 1972, the sport’s growth and how television nurtured it through the 1970s, ‘80s and how it was nearly destroyed. Learn the truth about the Mickey Thompson murders and how that tragic event spelled doom for Supercross.


A story of how the Church of After Life Insurance, a religious Ponzi scheme, developed by guaranteeing participants a red carpet in an afterlife nirvana.

Tv, film, & Video

Bradley has worked in television and film since 1975, starting with producing all the television, radio and other marketing for six Love’s Wood Pit Barbecue Restaurants in San Diego County. In 1980, he worked with Zenith TV on the island of Maui in the production of programming. From 1983, as Director of TV production and sales for Michael Goodwin’s Stadium Motorsports Corporation, he produced dozens of Supercross event programs from Los Angeles, San Diego, Anaheim, Atlanta, and other cities for syndication, CBS, NBC and he broadcast the first Supercross on the ESPN. In 1988, he worked with Mickey Thompson Entertainment Group producing Stadium Off-road Racing and Supercross event TV programs and commercials.

Some films produced by John Bradley Entertainment:

John Bradley, Executive Producer, being interviewed by
David Stanfield at the Supercross classic, 1986 Anaheim.


THE IRRELEVANCE OF INNOCENCE The “presumption of guilt,” not innocence, tracks defendants throughout the system. Imagine law enforcement arresting those they “presumed …

La Pouce Rouillé It’s a RUSTY THUMB! “He always broke things, fer chrissakes!” my mother says with a disdainful flip of her …

SUPER DOUBLE-CROSS – SX 2 By John J. Bradley To be released in 2025, the story of who put the SUPER in …


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